Website Customer Request
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Description: 'How to place an order for samples'
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Location: Toronto, ON, Canada
Customer environment: Browser: Internet Explorer 9.0
OS: Microsoft Windows 7
Chat transcript:
Visitor (4: 22:07) Hello, my name is Harry. My friends and I have recently started a business which is new and a steady build-up in the present day situation market. For one of our orders, I was made in-charge for the procurement of raw materials especially something like heavy canvas. Before I finalize any order, I will have to order samples. For the same order, I will be hoping to try out on a sample of the 10 oz cotton canvas that is in stock at your inventory. Can you tell me how can I inspect the same? Do I have to try it or do I get to order? Apart from that, I had one more question related to the canvas. Do you carry heavier canvas like the black canvas or just the unbleached canvas?
Customer Service (4:22:33) Hello Harry! I’m the Customer representative at Hometex. I think we have what you’re looking for, even more so you’ll be excited about our store which has a large inventory which is home to a vast spectrum of fabrics available in a large weight range. When it comes to cotton canvas, our options are limited and as of now we have limited supply, approximately 10 oz of unbleached canvas. However, we will order excess amount as per your need so that you can deliver the order on time. Hope you like the sound of that, coming to your other question, the one where you asked about the samples? Yes, we do offer samples. Initially, a sample would cost you $5, and if you go ahead and place an order for the same sample fabric, we will generously refund twice the amount of the cost of the sample i.e. $10 refund on your next order.
Visitor (4: 22:41) That’s a great initiative from your organization. I would like to order a sample. How do I order the sample? If it has to be placed online, can you send me the link where I can check the samples out?
Customer Service (4:22:55) Yes sir, the order can only be placed online on our website. You can refer this link for more:
Visitor (4:23:11) Just saved the link and will soon open it with my colleagues. Right now, we are in two minds as to what to place an order for? Now with the samples, we can try and modify our order with the same. A sample of unbleached cotton would be enough as I will be placing a bulk order soon, I suggest you increase your inventory size for the same.
Customer Service (4:23:19) Sure sir, we will. We understand our customer’s needs and design our inventory as per. We offer regular shipping, however, if you want the order early before the estimated delivery time of a week, you can check into our FedEx Expedited shipping service for $8
Visitor (4:23:27) That will be brilliant! Thank you for your assistance, I’ll ask my colleagues and place the order.
Customer Service (4:23:37) You’re welcome sir. Have a nice day.
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